It’s a bumper edition of Rojak this week, as we travel around the blogosphere to bring you another side of Indonesia, Cambodia and Laos. This week:
- John Hawks comments on Julien Riel-Salvatore’s earlier article about the Hobbit’s tools (featured in Wednesday Rojak #6!)
- Planetmole republishes an article by Suryatini N. Ganie about the ancient spice, Ginger.
- Carl Parks wonders if the travel writer who wrote about Ta Prohm in the Guardian actually visit the ancient monastery in Great Writing, but did this guy actually visit Ta Prohm?
- Visithra scales up and down the steps of the majestic Angkor Wat.
- Chleong visits a different kind of Wat in Cambodia, a more recently built one called the Killing Fields Memorial.
- Chris visits a lesser-known archaeological mystery in Laos, the Plain of Jars.
In this series of weekly rojaks (published on Wednesdays) I’ll feature other sites in the blogosphere that are of related to archaeology in Southeast Asia. Got a recommendation for the next Wednesday rojak? Email me!
Also, do drop by the SEAArch bookstore for a selection of books related to the archaeology of Southeast Asia!
Thanks for listing mine!
oooo, that piece on Ta Prohm is terrible. Really over the top and far to fanciful. Totally creates the wrong impression.
Another comment re the Ta Prohm piece, my friend just pointed out that on Carl Parkes blog he puts his age as 251 !
I’m glad the John Hawks article inlcuded a passage about the hobbits butchering giant rats. Thats a big chapter in my novel Flores Girl.
Erik John Bertel