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What is this website about?

The Southeast Asian Archaeology Newsblog (SEAArch) started in 2006 to help me keep track of the archaeology news in Southeast Asia. Archaeology is a relatively young discipline in this region and also one of the field’s most exciting frontiers. While SEAArch began as a personal effort to keep track of the news, it has expanded to become a massive resource page covering all aspects of archaeology in Southeast Asia.

To cite this page: Tan, Noel Hidalgo (2006, Updated 15 January 2022) About. Southeast Asian Archaeology. Available at:

The bulk of this website is archaeology news from and about Southeast Asia, and in that way I act as a human aggregator. The articles are current at the time of posting, but in some cases the links may be inactive after a while. I try not to post the full story online, and I believe that the republishing of such news falls under the category of fair use with attribution. Additionally, I am increasingly trying to post news that is not in English, but this capacity is limited as I do not have a working competency in the other languages. If you find a story here that you might want to read but is no longer available, you can try emailing me to see if I have a copy archived somewhere.

What else is posted on SEAArch besides news?

Other things that get posted on this website:

I welcome link suggestions, but all posts are at my discretion. I apologise in advance for any errors that may be posted on this website. I will resolve to correct inaccuracies quickly and appropriately when alerted to them.

Who runs SEAArch?

Noel Hidalgo TanSEAArch is a personal project by me, Noel Hidalgo Tan. In my day job I am the Senior Specialist in Archaeology at the SEAMEO Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts (SPAFA) in Bangkok. My day-to-day work is building capacity and disseminating knowledge about the archaeology of the region, and also serving as the Managing Editor of the SPAFA Journal. This site is run in my personal capacity and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the organisations that I am affiliated to.

I graduated with a PhD from the Australian National University in 2014, researching the rock art of Mainland Southeast Asia. Before that, I completed a MA degree at the Centre for Global Archaeological Research at Universiti Sains Malaysia (Penang, Malaysia) in 2010. I still maintain an active research interest in the rock art of Southeast Asia.  You can visit my professional profile and research publications on LinkedIn,, ResearchGate and Google Scholar.

How is SEAArch supported?

This site is maintained by myself in a personal capacity with my own financial resources. The costs of running the site is offset in part by advertising and affiliate links (see disclosure policy below), and through my annual crowdfunding appeal. If you wish to support this site directly, please consider Buying Me a Coffee.

Many thanks to following people have previously supported this website through Buy Me a Coffee in the past year: Bérénice Bellina, Bill, Alison Carter, Ya-Liang Chiang, Wesley Clarke, Bernard Cohen, Erika Daum-Karanitsch, Jim Dodge, Jim Fitton, Charles Higham, Hsiao-chun Hung, Lalaine Little, Louise Macul, John Miksic, Martin Polkinghorne, Spencer Wells and seven others who have asked to remain anonymous.

Previous supporters include: Gary Bingham, Alison Carter, Angela Chiu, Nick Coffill, Louise Cort, Aedeen Cremin, Jim Dodge, Sharon Dowley, Beverley Frankel, Arnoud Haag, Terry Lustig, David Rogers, Veronica Walker, Patricia and Mathew Welch, and well as many others who have opted to remain anonymous.

A big THANK YOU to all my current and previous supporters!


This policy is valid from 16 September 2007

This blog is written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact Noel Tan (seaarch [at] gmail [dot] com.

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Comments 9

  1. emma curyer says:

    Hi, my name is Emma Curyer and I am currently in my second year of Studying a
    Bachelor of Archaeology at Flinders University in Adeliade, SA. I’m writing an
    essay for Maritime Archaeology on the exhibition:Lost for 500 years…Sunken
    Treasures of Brunei Daruddalam, which was at your museum as a temporary
    exhibition until 27 April 2004. I was just wondering if you would be able to
    send me any information on how the actual exhibition was carried out or any
    relevant information on the exhibition’s process? I’ve had a look in a nummber
    of magazines and journals (ie.Signals, Quartely Magazine, No. 65 Dec. 2003-Feb.
    2004) & the Australian National Maritime Museum annual reports (i.e. for
    2003-2004)that have articles relating to the exhibition, but I hav’nt been able
    to find too much information on how the exhibition was actually put together. If
    you have any information that i might be able to access that would be greatly
    appreciated. From Emma Curyer.
    Ps- I sent an emial to Jeffrey Mellefont from ANMM and he said that the exhibition was a “buy in” and so they don’t have any documents on how the exhibition was put together, so i was just wondersing if you had an exhibition development brief (or verbal iinfo) on the actual putting together of the exhibition. i tried sending an email to Art Exhibitions Australia but they havn’t replied. idf you can help in any way that would be great thanks.

  2. Andrew Raven says:


    My name is Andrew Raven and I’m a reporter/editor living in Hanoi. I was interested in doing a story on the discovery of a 4,000-year-old skeleton in northern Vietnam. (It was unearthed sometime this week). The hilly region around where the skeleton was found is scheduled to be flooded sometime in the near future by a dam and it seems that archaeologists believe there are more remains/artefacts out there.

    Anyway, I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of an English-speaking archeaologist – preferably Vietnamese – who could speak about this. I understand there is a Vietnamese Archaeoligical Institute, though I have not been able to find much on them.

    Any help would be much appreciated. Sincerely,

    Andrew Raven

  3. Veronica Walker says:

    Cheers! I would like to thank you for the effort of keeping up this newsblog, it’s quite useful, I have added you to rss so I can keep up. My name is Veronica, I from Spain. I am doing an MA in Maritime Archaeology at University College London, and I’m mostly interested in Southeast Asia. I am interested in Spanish and Portuguese voyages to Cambodia and Malaysia but any news of the area are always welcome! I am very disappointed to find so little information on maritime SE Asia! One of my main interests is protection and management of cultural heritage and I have strong issues against treasure hunters looting the area posing as archaeologists but expecting to gain profits for selling public heritage! I’ll keep an eye on the site and maybe we can keep in contact for future reference, there aren’t that many people working in this field!

  4. Seah Yi Xin says:

    Hi I’m Yi Xin, final year student Interior Architecture and Design student in Singapore. I am interested in finding out information of archaelogy in Singapore as I would like to design a museum to display rare findings/collections of people that would speak of Singapore heritage and culture . If possible, can you recommend anyone you know of that has this kind of collections?

    Look forward to your reply.. any help will be much appreciated!

  5. noelbynature says:

    Hi Yi Xin,

    I tried to email you but my message bounced back. Could you send me an email at seaarch [at] gmail [dot] com please?

  6. Victor Gabriel says:

    Hi Noel! My name is Victor. My PhD thesis is on the growth of Buddhism in Southeast asia before 1600s. I am back in Singapore for the holidays till 28 Dec and would like to meet up. Please email me or call me at 96570721
    Cheers, Victor

  7. Kosal Mey says:

    Hi Noel, again my name Kosal living in Cambodia. since this year I feel love to study the Asian history, especially Khmer Empire. So hope if you have some question you may help me find out the way to find some documents.
    Thanks a lot.

  8. Hello Noel,
    My name is Mahesh Sriram, from Chennai, Southern India. I am visiting Phnom Phen and Siem Reap soon and very keen on visiting archaeological sites and museums that have remnants and artifacts of Funan. Are there Funnan artefacts in the national museum. Are there any sites in vicinity of these two cities. Like a day trip ? I also hear about a large stone stele / tablet with Pallava Granta Scripts / Sanskrit language, is that in the National Museum. Regards, Mahesh

  9. Noel Tan says:

    Hi Mahesh, sorry for the late reply. Yes, the National Museum in Phnom Penh would be your best bet!

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