30 May 2006 (New Straits Times) – The Keris or Kris is a Malay blade that is a distiguishable piece of Malay material culture. The Muzium Negara also has an excellent collection of keris.
Ageless charm of the keris
BUSINESSMAN Rusnan Ngadio shares his experience with the keris (a traditional Malay dagger) with the layman through his collection of more than 5,000 handmade blades worth RM100,000.
“A civilisation is reflected by its cultural heritage and once that knowledge in arts and craft is lost, all will be gone. Today, there are fewer than a dozen keris makers in Peninsular Malaysia. If their trade is not preserved, we will definitely lose our cultural identity,†said the 43-year-old.
Salam Kenal..
Setelah Membaca tulisan pada http://seaarch.wordpress.com, maka pada kesempatan ini saya bermaksud menginformasikan pada anda bahwa kami punya sebuah koleksi keris dengan lekuk 13 dan bergandik naga emas yang kami rasa cukup baik dan unik.
Demikian, mudah2an bermanfaat buat anda.??
Hormat kami
Jambi Indonesia