Spent the (relatively) quiet weekend updating the links section of this blog. Give it a check-out for links to sites related to all aspects of archaeology within Southeast Asia. With this update, I’ve only covered half of the links on “pending” list – perhaps in another quiet weekend of evening I’ll be able to update the rest of the links on my list. If you have any links to suggest, fee free to email me.
For scholars and anyone with an academic interest in Asia, you might be interested in downloading this excellent widget called the Asian Studies Toolbar – an add-on for Firefox and Internet Explorer that is an excellent resource for anyone studying anything Asian. It has a list of useful links to Asian media and blogs, as well as links to useful sites for Asian Studies. SEAArch is one such useful link. =D
Also in the works – I’m planning to migrate this site to it’s own webserver and dedicated domain name. With luck, this migration will take place over March and the new site will be up and running by April or May. (This probably means that I will have to tell the people behind the Asian Studies toolbar too. hmm…)
thanks for the mention of the Asian Studies Toolbar.
Suggestions for additions always welcome.
John Noyce
A-S Toolbar Publisher