If you missed the Angkor Wat edition of Digging for the Truth, it turns out that there are clips of the entire episode on YouTube! I caught it today at the morning repeat – it was pretty ok, covering the major monuments of Angkor, along with footage from the Greater Angkor Project and Cambodian Martial Art.
Get all you Angkor knowledge in these books:
– Angkor Cities and Temples by C. Jaques
– Khmer Civilization and Angkor by D. L. Snellgrove
– Of Gods, Kings and Men: The Reliefs of Angkor Wat
– Ancient Angkor (River Book Guides) by C. Jaques
– Angkor and the Khmer Civilization (Ancient Peoples and Places) by M. D. Coe
– Angkor: Cambodia’s Wondrous Khmer Temples, Fifth Edition by D. Rooney and P. Danford
– The Civilization of Angkor by C. Higham
– Ruins of Angkor