An exhibition at the Gallery in Jakarta showcases the results of an ongoing project do document Indonesia’s old forts, many of them built during the colonial period. 107 forts were recorded in Eastern Indonesia, and an additional 180 in the islands of Java and Sumatra.
Exhibit Maps Historic Forts
Jakarta Globe, 17 April 2009
Hundreds of old forts can be found across Indonesia today. But while many of these structures have historical significance and architectural merit, the fact that they exist is not generally known beyond the world of historians.
In July 2007, the Pusat Dokumentasi Arsitektur (Architectural Documentation Center, or PDA), together with the Directorate General of History and Archaeology at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and Passchier Architects & Consultant from the Netherlands, embarked on a three-year project to inventory every fort in Indonesia, mapping their condition, their infrastructure and the surrounding physical and social conditions.