Two papers published in nature last week lended more credence to the theory that the Indonesian Hobbit, homo floresiensis, is a separate species (for the reports of the two studies, read here). Here are some more news reports, videos and podcasts that have featured the latest hobbit studies.
Small Brain Of Dwarf ‘Hobbit’ Explained By Hippo’s Island Life
Science Daily, 08 May 2009
Science Friday Podcast: The Hobbit debate
Science Friday, 08 May 2009
“Hobbits” Not Good Runners; Proof of New Human Species?
National Geographic, 08 May 2009
Hippo’s island life helps explain dwarf hobbit (w/Video), 07 May 2009
Nature podcast: Mini Hippos and Mini Men
Nature, 07 May 2009
Indonesian ‘hobbit’ confirmed to be a new species
The Telegraph, 07 May 2009
Hobbits May Belong on New Branch of Our Family Tree
Wired Science, 06 May 2009