A visitor expresses frustration at the general mismanagement of the ruins of Majapahit in Trowulan including the lack of directions and access as well as poor information signs at the museum.
Ruins of Majapahit Obscured By Apathy
Jakarta Globe, 19 January 2010
The lack of visitors belies the site’s historical importance. The ruins are well-preserved and the entrance fee is basically nonexistent. What’s not to love? Plenty, apparently.
Information about the site is limited. This goes for even the most basic tips, such as how to get there. The nearest major city is Surabaya, but there is no direct transport to the site. One has to catch a bus to Solo and asked to be dropped off in Trowulan, where there are no signs to point you in the right direction.
People who have visited the site agree that in order to make sense of the ruins, which are scattered in the sprawling area, the first thing to do is visit the museum. But when asked about its location, some locals replied, “The new museum or the old one?â€