Students from Thailand’s Kasetsart University have completed a digital recreation of Wat Chaiwattanaram in Ayutthaya, opening the possibilities for using 3D computer models to aid in conservation practice and tourism. Note: the link in the story doesn’t seem to work, though.
Students create virtual-world temple
The Nation, 03 June 2010
Internet users can now visit a three-dimensional virtual world of Thailand’s past, presenting a new and surprisingly real insight into Thai heritage, arts and culture.
Called 3D Virtual World Heritage Wat Chaiwattanaram, the glimpse into Thailand’s history is a joint effort by Kasetsart University, Sun Microsystems and the Inter University Network, UniNet, using Sun Wonderland technology.
Above all else, the project, at, involves pride in the Thai heritage, by promoting a kind of Internet tourism.
A professor at Kasetsart University’s Computer Engineering Department, Putchong Uthayyopas, said the three-dimensional virtual world of Wat Chaiwattanaram had been developed by students of his department.