Tired of your everyday routines at work? Looking for some archaeological experience? Got 5-6 weeks to spare next summer? The University of Guam, in collaboration with the University of the Philippines and University of San Carlos Kabilin Heritage Studies Center is conducting a field school in Cebu next year.
University of Guam Archaeological Field School in Cebu, Philippines
AN492: Archaeological Field Techniques
Summer 2011
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The University of Guam, in collaboration with the Archaeological Studies Program-University of the Philippines, the San Carlos University, and the National Museum of the Philippines, is offering a summer archaeological field school. The field school will provide participants intensive training in archaeological site excavation, mapping, and artifact analysis and interpretation as well as training in landscape analysis. The course is open to undergraduate and graduate students from any university, who will earn 6 University of Guam credits. The project is co-directed by Dr. Stephen Acabado, Assistant Professor, University of Guam, Dr. John Peterson, Associate Professor, University of Guam, Dr. Grace Barretto-Tesoro, Associate Professor, Archaeological Studies Program, University of the Philippines, and Prof. Jojo Bersales, University of San Carlos Kabilin Heritage Studies Center. Dr. Acabado and Dr. Peterson will serve as the UOG Instructors of Record.
For more details click here.