Lim Chen Sien from the National University of Singapore will present the findings from recent excavations at Singapore’s Victoria Theatre and Concert Hall.
photo credit: alantankenghoe
Shopping in Ancient SG: What the Archaeology of Victoria Concert Hall & Victoria Theatre Tells us
Date: 03 December 2011
Venue: National Library of Singapore, Level 5, Possibility Room
Registration required
Singapore prides itself as a Mecca for shopping, and tourists from all over Southeast Asia fly in for the weekend to indulge in retail therapy. As a port settlement, Singapore is not primarily a production centre but rather a centre of procurement – importing and exporting produce and goods from the region and beyond. Over the years, the island has expanded its ability to effectively procure, if not monopolize, merchandize, redistribute, and retail these produce and goods. So how was shopping like in the past? What did people buy? What was considered trendy and at the height of fashion?
More details here.