Another one for Bangkok readers, a lecture at the National Museum by Charles Higham.
Ban Chiang: a new perspective of Thai prehistory
By Charles Higham
Venue: National Museum Auditorium, Bangkok
Date: Thursday February 19th, 2015
Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM
Donation: Member 100 Baht / Guests 200 Baht
Although the Fine Arts/University of Pennsylvania excavations at Ban Chiang took place 40 years ago, the results have never been published. In this lecture, Charles Higham, who excavated at Ban Chiang in 1974-5, presents a new chronology for this site, based on radiocarbon dates taken from the bones of the prehistoric people themselves. This new dating framework necessitates a radical reappraisal of the place of Ban Chiang in the prehistory of Thailand, which comes into sharp focus when compared with new and dramatic archaeological discoveries in the upper Mun Valley that have uncovered princely Bronze Age graves and later, an agricultural revolution that stimulated the rise of early states, including that of Angkor. In this interpretation, Ban Chiang is seen as a provincial backwater, while the Mun Valley was a centre of seminal and rapid cultural changes.