A new LiDAR survey of Angkor will start this year, which will cover more regions such as the rest of Phnom Kulen, Banteay Chhmar and Sambor Prei Kuk. It will be the largest aerial archaeological survey every undertaken with LiDAR, and we look to more exciting discoveries to come!

World’s biggest aerial laser survey to reveal Kingdom’s historical secrets
Phnom Penh Post, 04 April 2015
Following the incredible discoveries of the first ‘lidar’ project around Angkor Wat, archaeologists have big hopes for a second, much-larger survey
In 2013, Cambodia made world headlines when an expansive survey using airborne laser technology revealed not only that the city of Angkor was even more monumental than previously thought, but that another enormous ancient city, Mahendravarpata, lay beneath the jungle-covered plateau of Phnom Kulen, northeast of Siem Reap.
Now a second, even more expansive survey is about to take place using the same laser imaging detection and ranging technology, known as ‘lidar’.
Aerial lidar surveys involve firing millions of laser beams at the ground and measuring the time they take to bounce back, using tiny differences in time to calculate elevation variations.
Full story here.