This is a bit of exciting news, for me personally – the discovery of a new rock art site in Myanmar. The articles imply that it the new site, named Mya Kha Nauk, is the second rock art site to be found after the Padalin Caves (which is in the same area), but there really are two or three other known sites that have been discovered in the last few decades, but reports of them are less-known.

Prehistoric Paintings Identified in Central Burma
The Irrawady, 29 May 2015
Stone Age paintings and tools uncovered in Shan State
Myanmar times, 03 June 2015
A rock formation etched with prehistoric drawings and what is believed to have been an animist worship altar has been identified deep in the forests of Pae Dwe mountain, located between Ywa Ngan Township in Shan State and Wun Dwin Township of neighboring Mandalay Division.
The prehistoric art is the first finding of its kind in more than a half century, with the last known discovery inside central Burma’s Padah-Lin caves.
Amateur adventurer Win Bo stumbled upon the images on Saturday at an area known locally as Mya Kha Nauk, about eight miles southwest of the famous Padah-Lin caves
A group led by veteran historian Win Maung (Tampawaddy), amateur archaeologists, historians from Mandalay, researchers and Aung Aung Kyaw, the deputy director of the Ministry of Culture’s research department, reached the rock shelter on Wednesday and carried out preliminary research at the site.