A feature on the oldest mosque in Bali, believed to be established during the Majapahit period.

The earliest mosque on the Island of the Gods
Jakarta Post, 30 June 2016
Rusiah and other local residents believe that their ancestors were a group of 40 courtiers sent by King
Hayam Wuruk from the Majapahit Kingdom and that they were among East Java’s first Muslim converts.Led by the only woman in the group, Dewi Fatima, the 40 converts formed an entourage for Gelgel’s king, I Ketut Nglisir, following his visit to Majapahit.
Village head Sahidin claims he is the direct descendant of those 40 courtiers, like many others in the village.
“The Gelgel king was invited to visit Majapahit in East Java. For his return journey, Hayam Wuruk ordered 40 Muslims from East Java to escort the king […] When they arrived here, because of their good behavior toward the king and his kingdom, they were invited to stay,” said Sahidin.
King Nglisir then awarded the new Islamic community several hectares of land just 500 meters to the south of his palace in Gelgel.
Full story here.