via Myanmar Times, 02 April 2019: The Myanmar Department of Archaeology, National Museum and Library will commission a survey to look at the effects of the recent armed conflict at the Mrauk-U temples. On a related story (below), a monk petitioned the governor to stop positioning forces on a hill where a historical pagoda is located.
A survey will look at the effects of recent armed clashes on the Mrauk-U historical zone, which is being considered for listing as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, said U Than Htike, director of the Department of Archaeology, National Museum and Library.
Despite the recent fighting between the Tatmadaw (military) and ethnic Arakan Army, the application to list Mrauk-U in Rakhine State as a world heritage site will be submitted in September and the survey will be conducted when the conflict ends.
Source: War’s impact on Mrauk-U cultural heritage to be surveyed | The Myanmar Times
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