via Phnom Penh Post, 09 Sep 2019: Even as tourism to Angkor is down, the temples are still in danger of receiving more tourists than they can handle.
According to the Ministry of Tourism, of the 3.3 million international tourists that visited Cambodia in the first six months of this year, more than one-third (1.2 million) visited Siem Reap province.
Even if more tourists are visiting Koh Rong or Mondulkiri provinces, a staggering number still visit Siem Reap and Angkor Wat.
Tourism has taken a heavy toll on the temple complex.
This year, Responsible Travel released a map documenting more than 90 destinations in 60 countries suffering from the strain of overtourism.
Angkor Wat is on that map, and for good reason.
Fewer tourists may have visited Angkor Wat this year than last, but overtourism still threatens its very foundations.
Warning bells have been sounding for years.
Source: Overtourism still threatens Angkor Wat | Phnom Penh Post