via @alisonincambo, 16 March 2020: A bit of levity in these dire times. Dr. Alison Carter of the University of Oregon is one of my oldest friends made through this website, and she posts about her work in Cambodia (you should definitely follow her on Facebook and Twitter). She’s posted a series of memes produced by her students in the Archaeology of Southeast Asia course as part of a student assignment. They are both funny and profound – what a great way to summarise nuance!
Here are some memes about looting:

On a related note, how collectors justify the collection of Khmer artefacts:

Memes about LiDAR:

This meme is about the debate over the origins of bronze drums:

An obscure meme about Charles Higham’s work on Ban Non Wat in the Bronze Age:

And finally:

Thanks to Dr Carter and her students for these great memes!
Thanks for this nice post, Noel! I have really smart and funny students.
Thanks Alison for letting me share this!