via Yale University: One year postdoc opportunity at Yale. Application deadline is 15 January 2021.
The Council on Southeast Asia Studies (CSEAS) at Yale University seeks applications for the position of Postdoctoral Associate in Southeast Asian Studies. The appointment period is from July 1, 2021 – June 30th, 2022.
The Postdoctoral Associate will collaborate with CSEAS faculty to organize, facilitate and attend the brownbag seminar series in Southeast Asian Studies, which meets on most Wednesdays at noon throughout the academic year. In addition, the fellow will teach one course of their own design in either of the two semesters in residence. Opportunities to teach a second course will be available, if the fellow so desires. The postdoctoral associate will be encouraged to devote all other time during the appointment to their own research and publishing agenda. CSEAS will endeavor to create mentorship opportunities for the fellow with faculty in the Council, and, where appropriate, across the university.
Source: Apply – Interfolio