The MAHS works to both produce new forms of digital documentation and facilitate the open accessibility and secure long-term preservation of records on critically endangered historical and archaeological sites in coastal regions across Southern Asia. Our complete online archive can be accessed through our website, which also includes a range of resources designed to help users contextualize and understand the primary source material. One integral feature of this is the Maritime Asia Heritage Society Blog, which presents short essays on new approaches to digital heritage documentation as well as highlights of new research on the history and culture of maritime Southern Asia. The series also includes periodic updates on the progress of MAHS field survey work, reports of new findings, and introductions to new data sets.
The latest installment of the MAHS Blog is an essay by Himanshu Prabha Ray: “Of Cowries and Conch Shells: Maldives and the Indian Ocean Networks”
The full text is now available on our website:
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