via Medium, 19 November 2021: A key part of the Revealing Krishna exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art are the 3D reconstructions of the sculptures.
The exhibition’s centerpiece is the CMA’s newly restored masterwork, Krishna Lifting Mount Govardhan, one of eight monumental sculptures originally from a mountain in Cambodia called Phnom Da.
Four of the eight are physically on view in Revealing Krishna —including a second Krishna sculpture now in the National Museum of Cambodia (NMC) in Phnom Penh — but all of them are featured in the exhibition’s digital elements. In the “Gods of Phnom Da” interactive, life-size projections of the eight Hindu god sculptures rotate and zoom to reveal iconographic details. While in “the Story of the Cleveland Krishna” HoloLens experience, stone fragments rearrange in real time to show the conservation history of the Cleveland and Phnom Penh Krishnas.