via New Sarawak Tribune, 04 March 2022: Dr Nicholas Gani of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak speaks of the need to build local capacity in archaeology in Sarawak.
Despite the relatively early beginning, academician Dr Nicholas Gani of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak said the progress of archaeology in Sarawak had been rather limited with the lacking in training of new local archaeologists.
In saying this, he pointed out that most of archaeological work done in Sarawak in the last 50 years were carried out either by researchers from universities in Peninsular Malaysia or by foreign researchers.
“The archaeological work conducted is of course in collaboration with the Sarawak Museum which oversee the management and protection of archaeological sites in the state.
“Until today, there is no proper archaeological research unit in any of the local universities in Sarawak and there are not many archaeologists who are based in the state.
“There are other Sarawakian archaeologists and students who are currently studying archaeology, but they are based in places like Penang for example at Universiti Sains Malaysia where there is the Centre for Global Archaeological Research.”
Source: Sarawak needs to train more archaeologists, says academician – New Sarawak Tribune