via Phnom Penh Post, 07 April 2022: Coverage of the Revealing Krishna exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art.
A 1,500-year-old Krishna Lifting Mount Govardhan statue from Cambodia has been gaining prominence following a successful high resolution 3D holographic exhibition in Cleveland Museum of Art, in the US state of Ohio.
The exhibition, “Revealing Krishna: Journey to Cambodia’s Sacred Mountain”, was organised by Cleveland Museum curator Sonya Rhie Mace, who wanted people to know the story of the sculpture.
Sok Soda, deputy director of the Department of Museums at the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, said the exhibition was exciting.
“It is the first such exhibition I have ever visited. It was amazing,” Soda told The Post, adding that he was invited to a viewing in Cleveland last November.
Source: 1,500-year-old Krishna statue draws big crowds in Cleveland | Phnom Penh Post