via The Star, 20 August 2022: Congrats Prof. Zuraina!
Mention archaeologists and images of Indiana Jones or even Lara Croft from Tomb Raider may come to mind.
But those are fictional characters, while in Malaysia, there is Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr Siti Zuraina Abdul Majid, 78, who is the real McCoy and, notably, the nation’s first ever archaeologist.
If you’re wondering what her discoveries were over the past 50 years, the answers lie in the textbooks you studied back in school.
In fact, Prof Siti Zuraina discovered the 74,000-year-old Palaeolithic stone tool site of Kota Tampan in Lenggong, Perak, alongside the world-famous Perak Man.
Source: Nation’s first archaeologist honoured by recognition | The Star
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