via Antara. 28 October 2022: The ruins of a brick temple was found in Central Java and estimated to be from the 7th century.
The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) is collaborating with French archaeologist Veronique de Groot to study a recently unearthed brick temple site in Batang Industrial Zone, Sawangan village, Batang district, Central Java.
According to joint research conducted by BRIN and the archaeologist, the brick temple structure is estimated to have been built in the seventh century, acting head of Batang district, Lani Dwi Rejeki, informed.
“Veronique de Groot has informed and expounded the discovery of a brick temple in Sawangan village (to us),” Rejeki said here on Friday.
Source: BRIN, archaeologist studying recently unearthed temple site in Batang – ANTARA News