via The Irrawaddy, 10 January 2023: Neolithic site in Mandalay destroyed
Myanmar regime authorities last week bulldozed the internationally recognized Neolithic archaeological site of Taungthaman in Mandalay and used the rubble to build a road.
Still standing after the bulldozers’ work is a plaque reading “This is the site where Stone Age artifacts were excavated on Feb. 17, 1971”, though parts of it have been broken off.
The junta’s decision to construct a road in an area crucial for the understanding of Myanmar’s history has sparked dismay and strong criticism in archaeological circles.
A retired officer from the Department of Archaeology and National Museum said: “Taungthaman is an archaeological site that reveals a historical age. The area could not have been bulldozed without high-level permission. It seems that the Archaeology Department has to keep silent in the face of such government projects. Similar things are happening all around the country today. It’s upsetting to see.”