The latest issue of World Archaeology has the theme of Islands and Hominin Adaptation, with a number of papers related to Southeast Asia.
- Editorial: Islands and hominin adaptation by Armand Salvador B. Mijares and Yousuke Kaifu
- Negritos in Taiwan and the wider prehistory of Southeast Asia: new discovery from the Xiaoma Caves by Hsiao-chun Hung et al.
- Early modern human migration into Sulawesi and Island adaptation in Wallacea by Rintaro Ono et al.
- Terminal Pleistocene emergence of maritime interaction networks across Wallacea by Sue O’Connor et al.
- Hominin adaptations in the Lesser Sunda Islands: exploring the vertebrate record to investigate fauna diversity before, during and after the Last Glacial Maximum by Sofia C. Samper Carro
- Continuity and variability in prehistoric fishing practices by Homo sapiens in Island Southeast Asia: new ichthyofaunal data from Asitau Kuru, Timor-Leste by C. Boulanger et al.
- Fit for purpose: investigating adaptations in late Pleistocene lithic technology to an island environment at Buang Merabak, New Ireland, Papua New Guinea by Georgia Kerby et al.
- Peopling island rainforests: global trends from the Early Pleistocene to the Late Holocene by Dylan Gaffney
Source: World Archaeology: Vol 54, No 2