via Khmer Times, 19 August 2023: The Department of Tourism Development and Culture of APSARA National Authority is organizing additional visiting circuits in Angkor Thom, including three different options, to enhance the tourist experience and provide comprehensive insights into the history of the temple.
She explains that this is a link from Bayon temple that tourists can visit from Preah Ang Ngok and continue along the laterite road to the entrance in front of Baphuon temple. After that, tourists can continue to see the Royal Palace of Phimanakas temple, visit Sras Srey, Sras Pros, the Terrace of the Elephants, Terrace of the Leper King, Prasat Preah Palilay, and finish visiting Tep Pranom temple.
According to Ms. Lay Srey Penh, her team has already organized visiting circuit of the Bayon temple, which offers three options for tourists: long, medium, and short, starting at the east entrance and ending at the north entrance.