via TVRI, 006 December 2023: TV discussion on the significance of two megalithic sites in Papua: Sobu in Jayapura City and Tutari in Jayapura Regency. These sites, dating back to around the 4th century, reveal intricate human life patterns and rituals. The Sobu site, notable for its megalithic remains and variety of artifacts, is under preservation efforts. The Tutari site is also a focus of conservation. These sites offer insights into Papua’s rich cultural history and are crucial for understanding the region’s past. The video is in Indonesian. h/t Hari Suroto for the link.
Dialog budaya bersama Balai Pelestarian Kebudayaan Wilayah XXII , dengan thema Situs Prasejarah Megalitikhum Tutari (Kab. Jayapura) dan Situs Megalitikhum Srobu (Kota Jayapura).