via International Journal of Nautical Archaeology, 06 February 2024: Paper by Adhityatama et al. on the Bontosikuyu shipwreck site in South Sulawesi, dating from the late 13th to early 14th century. This site offers critical insights into the maritime trade routes of eastern Indonesia and the broader Southeast Asian region. The findings highlight the significance of Selayar Island in ancient maritime trade networks and underscore the need for further research and preservation of this underwater cultural heritage.
Between 2013 and 2015, the Republic of Indonesia’s Directorate of Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Museums held a series of capacity-building workshops at Selayar Island in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Maritime archaeologists and practitioners from various government and research institutions attended the training program, including foreign delegates from ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries. The program’s field school centred on the Bontosikuyu shipwreck site. This shipwreck is dated to the late 13th to early 14th century CE based on 14C dating of organic remains and ceramics analysis. It is considered one of the earliest shipwreck sites around the South Sulawesi region and is significant for understanding further the maritime trade of the eastern Indonesia area.