The Institut d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris will host a roundtable meeting on 8-9 July 2024, focusing on recent European research in Southeast Asian later prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology. The event aims to gather scholars to discuss current projects and future plans within this field, covering ASEAN nations and their interactions with neighboring regions from the mid-Holocene to the 1st millennium AD.

We invite you to meet us on 8-9 July 2024 in the heart of Paris, at the Institut d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA) room “Jullian” for a roundtable meeting on the theme of recent Europe-based research and perspectives in Southeast Asian later prehistoric and protohistoric archaeology. Our Parisian workshop is open thematically but with a focus on the overall roundtable theme, the geographical coverage includes all ASEAN nations, and interactions with neighbouring regions and peoples. The chronological span is later prehistory and protohistory, which we consider to possibly range from c. mid-Holocene to c. the 1st millennium AD, depending on location. Research can be field-based, analytical, ethnoarchaeological, experimental and/or theoretical. We would like to learn what everyone has been up to since 3 BC (Before Covid), and whether any new scholars have joined our ranks.
The 8th and the morning of the 9th will be devoted to presentations of current research projects, followed by discussion of future plans. We also plan to publish a special issue, a state-of-the-art of European collaborative archaeological research in Southeast Asia.
For this workshop we are not seeking funds to pay for a website, give out goodie bags, or to invite colleagues – though donations are of course most welcome. Commensurately, there is no registration fee or forms. All we ask is that you send an expression of interest in attending and/presenting. We will take care of general logistics for the venue and coffee/tea breaks, you just turn up.
Because of the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad in Paris next summer, and the early arrival of teams we suggest that you reserve your accommodation and travel as soon as possible. We hope to see as many of you as possible in Paris a few days before the national holiday (Bastille Day), for academic and friendly exchanges, and perhaps a picnic by the early summer Seine!