Succinctly summarised as “Keep your clothes on and don’t touch!”
New rules on the way for visitors to Angkor
Phnom Penh Post, 18 May 2015
Tourists’ Temple Antics Prompt ‘Code of Conduct’
Cambodia Daily, 18 May 2015
New rules planned for Angkor Wat tourists
Bangkok Post, 18 May 2015
Angkor Watt new rules to keep tourists fully clothed
World Bulletin, 18 May 2015
Cambodia promotes “code of conduct” for visitors to Angkor heritage site
Xinhua, via Shanghai Daily, 18 May 2015
After several recent incidents of tourists behaving badly at the Angkor Archaeological Park, the Apsara Authority said yesterday that it has nearly completed a code of conduct for tourists visiting the temples, a work two years in the making.
By early June, they should be ready to send a draft to experts at the International Criminal Court to review the code’s legality, Sok Sangvar, head of tourism management planning for Apsara, said yesterday. But much of it is common sense.
“Basically the code looks at where we need to indicate what not to do when visiting Angkor,” Sangvar said. “[Such as] not dressing inappropriately, and not touching things.”
Full story here.