via The Star, 20-22 December 2019: Prof. Emeritus Zuraina Majid has come out to forcefully warn that the Lenggong Valley’s world heritage status may be revoked due to the lack of maintenance. Prof Zuraina was the former Heritage Commissioner of Malaysia, responsible for Malaysia’s successful bid to nominate the property as a world heritage site and also the archaeologist who conducted the initial investigations into the site. The second story (dated 20 December) is a rebuttal by the Tourism, Arts and Culture Ministry going over the budget allocations for the site. Unfortunately, most of the stories are behind a paywall. If you have access to these stories, could you send them to me please?
Lenggong Valley, a World Heritage site, is in peril
Source: Lenggong Valley, a World Heritage site, is in peril | The Star Online [Paywalled]
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