via Gulf Today, 24 July 2022: Philippine gold from the Ayala Museum on display at the Louvre Abu Dhabi.
Filipinos, including social media influencers, are excited over the exhibition of two gold artifacts from 10th to 13th century Philippines at the Louvre Abu Dhabi which celebrates its fifth anniversary this November.
“Just imagine how even the ordinary Pinoys (of that era) drank from this (gesturing at the cup),” gushed Pepperreu.
Alawe Enoc of Al Ain: “I am really honoured to witness a history of the Philippines and to meet Ambassador Quintana was an opportunity. Such wonderful pieces of gold from the 10th century and displayed at the Louvre Abu Dhabi, I am proud of the Philippines.”
Dubai resident Charlene Bello: “Witnessing them first hand is amazing. It brings honour and pride to our motherland. It is Louvre Abu Dhabi.”
Source: Gold artifacts from Philippines at Louvre Abu Dhabi amazing – GulfToday