Another thing that I am working on at SEAMEO SPAFA, a series of workshops around Archaeology Ethics in Southeast Asia. We have found that over the last few years there has been a growing call to discuss various issues of related to ethics andd ethical practice of archaeology in Southeast Asia, and through these series of workshops we are hoping to raise awareness about some of these issues and find ways to address them as a community. The first four workshops are online, beginning on December 7, culminating in an in-person workshop held as part of SPAFACON2024.
Responses from the 2019 SEAMEO SPAFA Regional Survey on Archaeology Education indicated a demand for greater awareness surrounding ethical issues in archaeology. One of the responses to the need will be a seminar series to highlight some of these issues in the region today, to raise awareness of ethics in the profession, and also to discuss ways to resolve or mitigate prevalent issues.
One of the knowledge gaps identified by several respondents to the survey indicated a need for more awareness about ethical issues or ethical malpractice in archaeology in Southeast Asia. Some of the problems identified in contemporary archaeological practice include access to opportunities and resources for local archaeologists, gender discrimination and sexual harassment, and control over intellectual property. Ethical issues can be attributed to a lack of knowledge (ignorance), illegal or immoral action, or differences in cultural practice that may lead to injustice, tension or unfair outcomes.
Discussions on ethics in archaeology are generally not discussed or widely known in the region. Curating a number of seminars around specific topics may help raise awareness of these issues and find ways to resolve them.
Source: Archaeology Ethics in Southeast Asia (December 2023 – June 2024) – Seameo Spafa