A team from the National Museum of the Philippines arrived in Mindanao on Tuesday to investigate recently-unearthed anthropomorphic jars.
National Museum team arrives in Maitum today
Minda News, 15 April 2008
The story pretty much covers the basic facts that have surfaced over the past few days: bulldozing work unearthed several sherds and bones in Maitum, south Philippines. The sherds in particular, bear a remarkable similarity to anthropomorphic jars dug up in 1991 site only a few hundred metres away.
The five-person team dispatched by the National Museum to do a “preliminary study and assessment†of the newly-discovered cave in Maitum, Sarangani which yielded artifacts similar to those of anthropomorphic secondary burial jars recovered in 1991 from a cave a few hundred meters away, is arriving in General Santos City early this morning, en route to Maitum.
The National Museum was unable to send a team because the quarterly budget was not released yet; the pronvincial government helped to cover expenses of the archaeological team in the meantime.