There’s been more news in Bahasa Indonesia than in English, but apparently extremists for the establishment of an Islamic State in Indonesia have threatened to target the ancient Buddhist monument, Borobudur, for destruction. The central Java army chief is said to be strengthening security in the area.
Borobudur, Islamists target Indonesia’s most important Buddhist temple
Asia News, 21 August 2014
ISIS Ancam Ledakkan Candi Borobudur, Ini Sikap Polri
Viva news, 21 August 2014
Candi Borobudur Disebut Jadi Target Teror IS
Tempo, 20 August 2014
ISIS Ancam Hancurkan Borobudur, Ini Tanggapan Pangdam Diponegoro
Liputan, 20 August 2014
Indonesian extremists supporters of the Islamic State (formerly Isis, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) want to target and destroy the most important Buddhist cultural center of the country: the temple of Borobudur, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Central Java Army chief General Sunindyo has stated that he is strengthening security to protect the highly popular site sacred to the Buddhist community throughout South-East Asia and major tourist attraction.
The risk is a repeat of what happened in Afghanistan in 2001,when the madness of Taliban extremism led to the destruction of the famous Bamiyan Buddhas. The local fringe of IS has announced plans to target Borobudur on a Facebook page called “We are an Islamic state”.
Indonesian media and social networks had recently warned of a possible attack on the temple. Meeting with journalists in Solo, Gen. Sunindyo recalled that “it is our duty to protect the nation’s cultural heritage which is a primary asset for tourism”; he has also called on all “citizens” to “protect our cultural heritage”.
Full story here.