Explaining the hobbit's small brain
A new paper published in BMC Biology may possibly reconcile the small size of the Hobbit's brain with tool use ...
Related to human and hominid evolution in Southeast Asia.
See also: Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, Homo luzonensis, Homo sapiens
A new paper published in BMC Biology may possibly reconcile the small size of the Hobbit's brain with tool use ...
I got the press release last week but I was out in the field and unable to look through the ...
Yet another paper lends support to the idea that the Flores Hobbit is a seperate species and not a deformed ...
It's the news like these that reminds us about how much more there is to know about human evolution. This ...
The news is abuzz today as two papers published in this week's Nature lend support to the theory that the ...
Prof Mike Morwood of the Wollongong University is giving this year's Mulvaney Lecture at the Australian National University. He led ...
Despite its small size, anthropologist Dean Falk says that the endocast of LB1's brain indicates complex features similar to humans ...
A replica of the contentious 'hobbit' fossils will be unveiled in April at the human evolution symposium at Stony Brook ...
What does the ongoing debate over the hobbit mean for palaeoanthropology and the study of man's ancestor's as a whole? ...
Rojak turns 50! Not that it has been 50 weeks since I first started this since I've missed quite a ...
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