Hobbit symposium at Stony Brook
Everything you wanted to know about the Hobbit under one roof. Stony Brook University is holding a one-day public symposium, ...
Related to human and hominid evolution in Southeast Asia.
See also: Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, Homo luzonensis, Homo sapiens
Everything you wanted to know about the Hobbit under one roof. Stony Brook University is holding a one-day public symposium, ...
You know it's a sign of hobbit-fatigue when a new claim about the hobbit pops up, and all you can ...
Only three features in this week's rojak, but all quite worthwhile reads covering the Hobbit and the human shoulder, Cham ...
As expected, most of the Malaysian papers carried reports about yesterday's press conference on the excavation of six skeletons from ...
This morning, the Centre for Archaeology Research, Malaysia at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in Penang unveiled two sets of burials ...
In an off-tangent study of the diminutive bones from Flores, Indonesia, it turns out that the hobbit had flat, clown-like ...
Following the suggestion from last week's controversial paper about the nature of the Flores Hobbits comes a new discovery that ...
From the Quaternary Dating Laboratory, Roskilde University, Denmark. The deadine is in two weeks! Applications are invited for the above ...
Earlier this year, a study by Dean Falk hoped to put to rest the homo floresiensis controversy by comparing casts ...
Just came across two websites in the past week for those of you who might be interested in early man ...
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