Red Deer Cave People: another set of new, old humans
I've been slow in getting this news out which has been floating about a week already. An article in PLoS ...
Skeleton of a person or animal’s head.
I've been slow in getting this news out which has been floating about a week already. An article in PLoS ...
Prehistoric remains and earthenware have been discovered in a cave in Bohol province in Central Philippines, although it looks as ...
Archaeologists in northern Vietnam discover a small coffin burial dated about 300 years old. The coffin is thought to be ...
Once again reviving the debate over the nature of the Flores hominid, a new study published this week in the ...
Researchers from the University of Adelaide are planning a new attempt to extract DNA from the teeth of the Homo ...
The Earth Times reports that the Middle Mekong Archaeological Project has discovered the first instance of a secondary burial in ...
I got the press release last week but I was out in the field and unable to look through the ...
A nearly-intact skeleton of an ancient skeleton was unearthed near the small town of Blora in Java. The elephant was ...
Two papers published in nature last week lended more credence to the theory that the Indonesian Hobbit, homo floresiensis, is ...
The news is abuzz today as two papers published in this week's Nature lend support to the theory that the ...
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