Prehistoric fossils found in Java
Fossils of prehistoric elephants and plants have been found in Blora, central Java by a team from the Bandung Geology ...
Skeleton of a person or animal’s head.
Fossils of prehistoric elephants and plants have been found in Blora, central Java by a team from the Bandung Geology ...
Despite its small size, anthropologist Dean Falk says that the endocast of LB1's brain indicates complex features similar to humans ...
You know it's a sign of hobbit-fatigue when a new claim about the hobbit pops up, and all you can ...
This morning, the Centre for Archaeology Research, Malaysia at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in Penang unveiled two sets of burials ...
Seems like a slow week in the archaeology world of Southeast Asia, so here's some pictures of the archaeological material ...
Following the suggestion from last week's controversial paper about the nature of the Flores Hobbits comes a new discovery that ...
Numerous fossil finds in the Patiayam have shown that the mountainous region in Java is rich with faunal remains dating ...
Research|Penn State, an online magazine by the Pennsylvana State University has an interesting feature-length article on Dr Bob Eckhart, who ...
A new development in the Hobbit debate, paleoneurologist Dean Falk from Florida State University concluded that the Hobbit is indeed ...
17 November 2006 (The News Today) - Henry F. Funtecha writes another article about the early Bisayans and talks about ...
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